Small ceramic figures depicting office workers alongside a magnifying glass.

Strategies for Association Marketing

It takes an accurate mailing list to achieve positive marketing results. That goes without question. But what type of data do you need? To answer that question, you must start every marketing campaign with a realistic, workable strategy. Good data is essential - but it's not enough to optimize results. With a pre-defined strategy, it will be much easier to filter and choose the right data points, and to then see that data used to fulfill your ultimate goals.


Within the world of community association marketing, strategic approaches are based on five (5) key factors:

Association Type: What type of associations do you want to reach? (e.g. HOA, COA, co-op, time-share and/or mobile home park). In fact, your product or service may be more suited to one or more association types, and that would be where your focus belongs.

Property Characteristics: What type of properties do you want to reach? Your product or service may be more suited to properties of certain types (single-family, multi-family) and/or certain sizes (based on number of homes or units).

Property Age: Are you looking to market to associations and properties of a certain age? Your product or service may be particularly appropriate for associations and properties of specific ages. For example, roofers might be interested in older properties more likely in need of roof repairs. Age can be a good indicator of current and upcoming service (or product) needs.

Board Position: Are you looking to reach out to specific Board members? The position held (President, Treasurer, Vice President, Secretary, Director at Large, etc.) is certainly an indicator of "interest and influence" for that individual and is therefore a defining characteristic for developing marketing strategies.

Location: What is your target geographic area? Depending on your product and service capabilities, you may choose association, property and/or board members within specific geographic areas as defined by county, region (combining multiple counties) or zip code. Geographic criteria are closely linked to property-type (i.e. urban areas will likely have a higher concentration of high-end, high-rise properties).


The first step in picking a community association marketing strategy is to set your primary goal – WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING TO ACCOMPLISH? You might be looking to find the most likely prospects, to promote a specific product or service, to just get your name "out there" or to test out a specific direct mail campaign. Whatever your specific goals may be, your next step is to take those goals and formulate a suitably relevant marketing approach:


The saturation approach to community association marketing "casts the widest net", where you look to capture the broadest demographic possible. This lets you reach out to a diverse audience (as defined by multiple factors) and is particularly useful for promotional offers and to "get your name out there". As this approach is considered, costs must be analyzed for the appropriate return on investment. In this case, "costs" are not just monetary -- there is also a cost to "success" (i.e. you must be prepared to handle a positive response).


The refined approach to community association marketing provides "more focus" based on narrower goals. Using this approach, prospects would be selected to fit specific subject matter criteria (considering the key factors listed above). For example, the refined approach would involve selecting Board member prospects by "key" positions (President and/or Treasurer) to focus on decision makers with executive and/or financial interests and influences. In the refined approach, marketing costs can be lowered, and the "message" can be more tailored


The precision approach to community association marketing casts the "smallest net", targeted to very specific formative factors (as listed above). This approach allows for maximum control over potential results and lowers up-front costs, although there is always the risk that some opportunity will be missed, or your mailing sampling may be too small. Precision marketing is particularly useful for a very targeted message, such as a congratulations to new board members, "scheduled maintenance" offers based on property age, or limiting outreach to only Board Presidents (having the highest interest and influence potential).

In summary, to maximize the value of data acquisition and mailing campaigns, it's wise to set a working strategy in advance. Once the data is collected, it can then be used to execute the strategy and fulfill established goals.

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Make Mailings Work with HOA Board List


Promote your business to the Boards of Florida based homeowner and condominium community associations. Our data includes contact information and demographics to support both direct mail and/or email marketing strategies.